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What is an Aesthetic?

By Tavia Eckhart

First of all, I'd like to start this out by saying that in fashion and art, aesthetics are almost always exactly what you define it to be. Love the color orange like me and you've got yourself an Orange Aesthetic, or it can be something super detailed like "My Aesthetics is the color of freshly grown sunflowers on a hot evening during sunset". Whatever it may be the goal is to decorate yourself and your life with the embodiment of that thing.


The Meriam Webster Dictionary says Aesthetic means:


a particular theory or conception of beauty or art: a particular taste for or approach to what is pleasing to the senses and especially sight.

Essentially the beauty of an Aesthetic is in the eye of the beholder as I define the term personally.

That's not to say that there are already DEFINED Aesthetics and they are defined by their generation. These are simply looks, styles, clothing, objects, and images that are loved and popular to a mass amount of people. Since it is fun to both be unique but also relate to others Aesthetic Fashion is a really fun way to determine what clothing and asseccories speak to your soul personally but also get an idea of where to start.  Not sure which popular 2020 Aesthetic you resonate with most? Take the WEDNESDAYS STYLE QUIZ below. 

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